Friday, March 2, 2012


So, I'm delaying Chapter 3.  Why?  Simply put, I can't crank out a quality product in the time frame I've given myself, and frankly I don't want to give you people some trash I pumped out in a week.  I feel that writing takes longer, and my process for developing natural conversations is part of this time consuming process.

Now, truth be told, I saw this coming a few days ago and opted to begin work on chapter 4 (the outline for this book is finished, all I'm writing at this point is filler and dialogue), which basically means that if I'm really really lucky I might be able (read: no promises) I will be delivering Chapter 3 and 4 next Friday.

Yes, Chapter 3 and 4 will both be available next Friday as one large PDF instead of two separate ones.

Now, with some better news...

Some of you, my fans, might have noticed that there is a Creative Commons license inside all my works, basically you're welcome to copy and share my work for free (so long as I'm credited).  As a result of this I'm going to open up comments in this section and ask you this: Would you like to write your own Universal Saga story?  Perhaps draw up some artwork?  As I consider expanding the site, I would like to add fan-made works to it, and of course you will be credited (although remember, this is all free, but you're welcome to include links to your own donation bin as I do).

I personally feel that the Universal Saga is a universal intellectual property, this story is what we, the people, make of it.  I have my story in the setting that I'm telling, and through the RPG which contains various details on the setting as a whole, you can create your own stories.  I'd like to see what you folks can come up with!

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